Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Redneck Family Night

Viewer advisement.......this may make you throw up!! Not even joking! Nasty pictures below.

What do you do for you family night?
So Andrew and I were driving home and we saw some road kill. And we are trying to train our dog to be a hunting dog so we ran to the house, Andrew got the shovel, I got a hammer and gloves and we went to get this fresh kill. Well, upon examinging the racoon, it hisssssssssssstttt at Andrew!! Oh my! I thought he was going to get rabbies. But it had blood coming out his nose and was suffering, so we manned-up and took him to our house and set him on the porch for further assessment. After concluding he would not survive, Andrew blasted him with the 20 guage. It freaked me out a bit because he was jerking all over the place and started flopping and crawling toward me! Scary right...ya. But the story continues....

Here's the little rascle before.

Well,  what do you do with a dead raccoon? SKIN IT!! We quickly watched a few youtube videos on the procedure and got down to business.

Now we have a seet trophy to hang on the wall. Just kidding, but maybe I'll make it into a hat. And for your information, I did a lot of cutting/skinning to, not just Andrew.


  1. ewww! I can't believe you touched it, let alone skin it. Go join Billy Muller's family;)
