Saturday, November 5, 2011

Call Me Buffy the Vampire Slayer

I went to the eye doctor for the first time in my life a few days ago and found out I need glasses...LAME!! But I guess I'll fit in right with the rest of my sisters. But the scary part was they dilated my eyes and I couldn't see a darn thing! I don't reccommend driving afterwards, trust me. And then Andrew called me a freaky vampire and wouldn't come near me, what a sissy. Or it would appear I have a serious brain injury which might explain a few things....take your pick.


  1. Ha, crazy. I just went and did the same thing and was freaking people out with my eyes too!Too fun huh?I only have one bad eye to be you.

  2. Ok. This is spooky but I went to the eye dr. this week too and had the same thing. And yes, it was hard to drive home afterward.

  3. Our family went to the eye doc last week, and Ryan was this week. Everyone got dilated except for me. I told them to leave my pupils alone! Haven't seen you swamp folk in a while. Maybe Thanksgiving?
